
The Salesforce integration includes a native Salesforce App that gives Salesforce users easy access to SlapFive workflows and content, and Embedded Integrations for synchronizing data.

Overview of SlapFive's Salesforce Integration

SlapFive's Salesforce Integration has two major parts:

Good to know: The SlapFive Salesforce App is installed using a Managed Package. The Salesforce App is not needed to synchronize data between Salesforce Account and Contact records and SlapFive Member and Company objects.

The SlapFive Salesforce App

The SlapFive Salesforce App contains:

Custom UI Components

The SlapFive Salesforce App has two custom UI components which embed SlapFive content and features so they can be accessible to Salesforce users. You can add these components to the page layouts for Salesforce Opportunity, Account and Contact objects:

1. Customer Case Study and References

The Customer Case Study and References component is designed to give your Salesforce users quick and easy access to the most relevant SlapFive Boards and to the Request References and Nominate Customer buttons. The component looks like this:

Within this component, Salesforce users can:

  • Click the View Case Studies button to see recommended content based on matching criteria. This shows the list of SlapFive Boards that have been flagged to show in Salesforce and that meet the matching criteria, if specified in Configure Custom Settings.

  • Click the Request References button to submit reference requests.

  • Click the Nominate Customer button to nominate a customer to your program.

  • Use the Search field to narrow down the list of SlapFive Boards.

  • Click View All to see all SlapFive Boards that have been flagged to show in Salesforce, ignoring the matching criteria.

  • From the list of recommended SlapFive Boards, Salesforce users can:

2. SlapFive Reference Content & Customers

The SlapFive Reference Content & Customers component is designed for empowering your Salesforce users to dive deeper into customer content and reference companies by showing full embedded lists of those SlapFive objects. The component looks like this:

Within this component, Salesforce users can:

  • Click the Boards, Stories, or Companies tab to view an embedded list of records for that SlapFive object.

  • Click the Request References button to submit reference requests.

  • Click the Nominate Customer button to nominate a customer to your program.

  • Use the Search field to narrow down the list of records on each tab.

  • Click the Advanced Filter button to narrow down the list of records using any fields for that object. For example, a sales rep may want to filter Boards by industry or filter Companies to show those that have agreed to be references.

  • From the list of Boards on the Boards tab, Salesforce users can:

  • From the list of Stories on the Stories tab, Salesforce users can:

  • From the list of Companies on the Stories tab, Salesforce users can:

    • Click the Company name to view the Company Dashboard.

    • Scroll through the list to see what Permissions have been granted by each Company.

Custom Objects and Fields

The SlapFive Salesforce App installs three custom objects:

  1. SlapFive Customer Influence

  2. SlapFive Customer Influence Activity

  3. SlapFive Customer Activity

The first two are are used to capture revenue influence events, enable Salesforce users to see the status of those events, associate the events with Salesforce Opportunities, and report on customer influence on revenue.

The third custom object is used to pull in all the different kinds of Customer Activities that are captured in SlapFive so that you can include this type of customer engagement in your influence reporting.

The SlapFive Salesforce App installs these custom fields on standard Salesforce objects:


Field LabelAPI NameData TypePurpose

Influence Count


Roll-up Summary

Count of SlapFive Customer Influence records associated with this Opportunity.

SlapFive Influence



If Influence Score>0, "Influenced", else "Not Influenced".

SlapFive Influence Score


Roll-up Summary

Sum of Influence Score of SlapFive Customer Influence records associated with this Opportunity.

SlapFive Program



If SlapFive Program Status of Opportunity's Account is Member, "Yes", else "No".


Field LabelAPI NameData TypePurpose

SlapFive Program Status



Set to "Member" when there is at least one Contact for this Account who is a Member in SlapFive.

The three custom objects have specific meaning when they appear on these Salesforce pages as described below:

The SlapFive Salesforce App also includes many custom report types, reports and a dashboard that provide out of the box analytics and data visualization for your customers' influence on revenue.

Opportunity Page

On the Opportunity page, the SlapFive Customer Influence custom object represents influence events that have been performed to help advance this Opportunity. Here's what this object looks like as a Related List on the Opportunity page:

You can see that this Opportunity has had three SlapFive Customer Influence events:

  1. Customer Referral: the Opportunity first came about from a referral from another customer on January 5th.

  2. Customer Content Share: on March 25th, the sales rep shared a SlapFive Board with this prospect.

  3. Customer Reference Request: then on April 13, the sales rep requested a Reference.

You can then drill into any SlapFive Customer Influence event record to see the SlapFive Customer Influence Activities for that event. If you drill into a Customer Reference Request event, you see this screen:

You can see all the details from the Customer Reference Request, and you can see that this request is being fulfilled by three SlapFive Customer Influence Activities:

  1. Customer Reference Activity Performed: On April 6th, the named customer completed a customer reference call.

  2. Customer Reference Activity Performed: Another customer reference call has been scheduled with the named customer for April 8th.

  3. Customer Reference Content Sent: A third customer wasn't available but the Customer Marketer gave the sales rep a SlapFive Recorded Reference Board that contains a customer that fits the need.

Contact Page

On the Contact page, the SlapFive Customer Influence Activity custom object represents activities that this Contact has done to influence Opportunities with other companies. The SlapFive Customer Activities custom object represents all activities that this Contact has participated in as part of your customer programs. Here's what these objects look like as Related Lists on the Contact page:

You can see that this Contact has done two SlapFive Customer Influence Activities and two other SlapFive Customer Activities.

Account Page

On the Account page, the SlapFive Customer Influence Activity custom object represents activities that all Contact at this Account have done to influence Opportunities with other companies. The SlapFive Customer Activities custom object represents all activities that all Contacts from this Account have participated in as part of your customer programs. Here's what these objects look like as Related Lists on the Account page:

You can see that Contacts at this Account have done two SlapFive Customer Influence Activities and two other SlapFive Customer Activities.

Custom Reports & Dashboard

The SlapFive Salesforce App includes several custom reports that are used to produce the charts and graphs on the SlapFive Customer Influence Dashboard, which lets you report on customer influence on revenue:

Customer Influence Events and Scoring Model

SlapFive has introduced an innovative Customer Influence Scoring Model that allows you to assign relative weightings to each type of influence event.


Submit reference requests

Salesforce users can easily submit reference requests by entering a brief description of the need and the date needed, and the Request is automatically submitted to SlapFive. When submitted from an Opportunity record, SlapFive captures the Opportunity Name and OpportunityID and generates a Revenue Influence Event for use in Revenue Influence Reporting.

Follow request fulfillment

The Salesforce user who submitted the request can see the request details, along with the progress that's been made fulfilling the request which includes the customer selected, the status of that customer's participation, the date, and who's working the request.

For example: The sales rep can see that Mary Jones has agreed to be a reference, and Fred Smith has been scheduled for July 7th.

From an Opportunity page, Salesforce users can see recommended customer content based on matching criteria between fields on the Account and Opportunity and fields on the customers referenced on the customer content asset.

For example: You can recommend customer content assets that contain customers in the same industry and region as the prospect.

Browse, search and view customer content

Anyone can browse, search and filter all the customer content that you choose to show in Salesforce, from an Opportunity, Account, or Contact record, or from a primary navigation tab. Users can view a customer content asset before sending it to a prospect.

Share customer content with prospects

Salesforce users can share any SlapFive customer content assets with prospects or existing customers. When sharing content from an Opportunity record, the user can select which of the Opportunity's Contact Roles should receive the content, so that SlapFive can track the share activity and generate a Revenue Influence event each time that recipient views the content. The user receives an email notification whenever the prospect views the shared content.

Nominate customers to your program

Anyone in Salesforce can nominate a customer to your program. To enable nominations, you use your favorite form-builder app to create a form that captures the nominator's name and email address, as well as nominated customer's name, title, company, and reason for nominating. SlapFive has a Zapier Zap that creates a new Member with Nominated status when the form is completed.

Capture and track customer referrals

You can use your favorite form-builder app to create a customer referral form that captures the referring customer's name and email address, along with the name, email address, title, and company of the friend being referred. SlapFive has a Zapier Zap that creates an Activity in SlapFive for each referral, and creates an Opportunity and Revenue Influence event in Salesforce.

Track revenue influence events

It is critical for Customer Marketing pros to be able to show the influence that their work has on revenue. The Revenue Influence Reporting tracks many types of Influence Events, including reference requests fulfilled by customers, reference requests fulfilled by content, customer content shares and views, and customer referrals.

Each of these types of events are captured in Salesforce custom objects called SlapFive Customer Influence and SlapFive Customer Influence Activities. These objects are associated with and shown on the Opportunity records they influenced.

Report on customer influence on revenue

SlapFive provides many custom reports and a custom dashboard to provide many measures of influence, such as:

  • Amount and percentage of current pipeline that has been influenced versus not influenced

  • Amount and percentage of closed deals MTD, QTD, and YTD that have been influenced versus not influenced

  • Closed/Won Opportunities influenced by month.

  • Customer influence on win rates and length of sales cycle

  • Customers by revenue influence and influence score

SlapFive-Salesforce Data Synchronization

The SlapFive-Salesforce Data Synchronization enables bi-directional data synchronization between SlapFive and Salesforce objects.

The most common data synchronization use cases are:

  • Changes to a Salesforce Contact updates SlapFive Member

  • Changes to a Salesforce Account updates SlapFive Company

  • Changes to a SlapFive Member updates Salesforce Contact

  • Changes to a SlapFive Company updates Salesforce Account

See Synchronize Data between Salesforce and SlapFive for more information.

Last updated