
SlapFive's Highspot integration allows you to post SlapFive Boards to Highspot.

The SlapFive integration with Highspot lets you automate the posting of the SlapFive customer content that you want to put into the hands of your sales team into a specific Highspot “Spot”. Your sales team can then search and filter in Highspot to find the right Boards and Stories, and share them with prospects.

How it works

The integration uses Zapier to post new or updated customer content in SlapFive to Highspot. SlapFive built a Zapier integration for both SlapFive and Highspot. To use the integration, you copy a Zap into your Zapier account that:

  • contains a Trigger event that uses the SlapFive API webhook endpoint for new or changed boards,

  • contains an Action event that uses the Highspot API for posting content.

The integration does not physically move the Board to Highspot, it posts the Board URL and the associated metadata like Board Name, Headline, and URL.

1. Confirm your field mappings from SlapFive to Highspot

This table shows the Highspot fields that get populated, with the associated SlapFive field or value:

Highspot Field
SlapFive field, source or value


24-character ID of the Spot






Board URL



Board Name



Board Headline


Date Created

Date of posting to Highspot





Link Embed Code

<iframe 'paste_Board_URL_here' frameborder='0'></iframe>


2. Flag the Boards in SlapFive to post to Highspot

You can decide which SlapFive Boards should post to Highspot. To do this:

  1. Make sure that each Template for the Boards you want to send to Highspot has two Custom Fields named Show in Highspot and Highspot Item ID. To do this, click the Template name next to a Board to bring up the Edit Template screen, click the Custom Fields tab, in the Display Name field, type Show in Highspot, click the circular + button to add the Custom Field. Then type Highspot Item ID, click the circular + button, and Save the template. You only need to do this once for each Template no matter how many Boards use this Template.

  2. For all Boards you want to send to Highspot, edit the Board, click the Custom Fields tab, in the Show in Highspot field, type in Yes and Save the Board.

3. Create the Zap to post a new item to Highspot

This Zap posts new or changed Boards to Highspot for the first time.

A. Trigger to listen for a new or changed Board in SlapFive

  1. On the 1. Trigger screen, name your Zap in the upper left, then in the Search apps… box, search for SlapFive, and select it.

  2. In the Choose an event box, select New or Changed Board and click Continue.

  3. On the Choose account screen, select your Connected Account for SlapFive and click Continue.

  4. Click the Test trigger button to pull some data into the Zap so you can test it all the way through, then click Continue.

B. Action to Filter to Only continue if Show in Highspot is Yes and no Item ID is present

This step lets checks to make sure the Board is flagged to Show in Highspot and that it hasn't already been posted.

  1. On the Choose app & event screen, select Filter.

  2. On the Filter set up & testing screen, in the first Choose Field box, select 1. Custom Field Data Show in Highspot: Yes, in the Choose Condition box, select (Text) Contains, and in the Enter or Select Value box, type Yes.

  3. Click the + AND button to add another condition, and in the Choose Field box, select 1. Custom Field Data Highspot Item ID: ..., in the Choose Condition box, select Does not exist and click Continue.

C. Action to Post new Item in Highspot:

  1. Click the + button to add a new step, and on the 3. Action screen, search for Highspot and select it.

  2. On the Choose app & event screen, click in the Choose an event box, select Post new Item, and click Continue.

  3. On the Choose account screen, select your Connected Account for Highspot and click Continue. If setting up a Connected Account for Highspot for the first time, Zapier will prompt you for a Username and a Password, which must be your Highspot API Credentials Key and Secret respectively. To get these values, go into User Settings > Developer and look in the API Credentials section.

  4. On the Set up action screen, map the fields as follows, or substitute if you made changes in the field mapping table above, and click Continue:

  5. On the Test action screen, click Test & Review to test the Zap. Go into Highspot to verify that the Item was created.

D. Action to Update Highspot Item ID Custom Field in SlapFive:

  1. Click the + button to add a new step, and on the 4. Action screen, search for SlapFive and select it.

  2. On the Choose app & event screen, click in the Choose an event box, select Update Board Custom Field, and click Continue.

  3. On the Choose account screen, select your Connected Account for SlapFive and click Continue.

  4. On the Set up action screen, map the fields as follows and click Continue:

  5. On the Test action screen, click Test & Review to test the Zap. Go into SlapFive and verify that the Board was updated with the Highspot Item ID.

  6. If the test is successful, click the Turn on Zap button, otherwise check your field mappings.

4. Create the Zap to update an existing item in Highspot

This Zap updates the metadata for Boards that have previously been posted to Highspot. You only need this Zap if you anticipate changing the Board Name or Headline and want those changes reflected in Highspot. The integration detects whether a Board has been posted before by checking to see if there is a value in the Highspot Item ID Custom Field.

A. Trigger to listen for a new or changed Board in SlapFive

  1. On the 1. Trigger screen, name your Zap in the upper left, then in the Search apps… box, search for SlapFive, and select it.

  2. In the Choose an event box, select New or Changed Board and click Continue.

  3. On the Choose account screen, select your Connected Account for SlapFive and click Continue.

  4. Click the Test trigger button to pull some data into the Zap so you can test it all the way through, then click Continue.

B. Action to Filter to Only continue if Show in Highspot is Yes and an Item ID is present

This step lets checks to make sure the Board is flagged to Show in Highspot and that it hasn't already been posted.

  1. On the Choose app & event screen, select Filter.

  2. On the Filter set up & testing screen, in the first Choose Field box, select 1. Custom Field Data Show in Highspot: Yes, in the Choose Condition box, select (Text) Contains, and in the Enter or Select Value box, type Yes.

  3. Click the + AND button to add another condition, and in the Choose Field box, select 1. Custom Field Data Highspot Item ID: ..., in the Choose Condition box, select Exists and click Continue.

C. Action to Update metadata for Item in Highspot:

  1. Click the + button to add a new step, and on the 3. Action screen, search for Highspot and select it.

  2. On the Choose app & event screen, click in the Choose an event box, select Update metadata for Item, and click Continue.

  3. On the Choose account screen, select your Connected Account for Highspot and click Continue.

  4. On the Set up action screen, map the fields as follows, or substitute if you made changes in the field mapping table above, and click Continue:

  5. On the Test action screen, click Test & Review to test the Zap. Go into Highspot to verify that the Item was updated.

  6. If the test is successful, click the Turn on Zap button, otherwise check your field mappings.

Last updated