Connect to Gradual

This section covers how to establish your Gradual Connection within SlapFive's Embedded Integration.

To protect the security and privacy of your Gradual data, SlapFive's Embedded Integration eliminates the need for you to email or message us with your Gradual authentication credentials. You or your Gradual Admin can simply connect right from within SlapFive. You only have to do this once and it will be used for all Gradual data synchronization scenarios. The login data is encrypted and stored within the Embedded Integration.

Before starting this Connection process, you must email and request your Gradual Authorization Key and x-client-id Key.

1. In SlapFive, go to the Admin menu, click Settings, and click on the Integrations sub-tab.

2. Click the Gradual Connection box to expand it. Enter the following fields and click Connect.

Once you are successfully connected, the button should now say Disconnect, and you should see a green Connection success message.

Last updated