Workshops Defined

Discovery Workshop: Meet with the Onboarding/Customer Success team. Go over your onboarding plan in Arrows. Establish goals and define what use cases are priority. Workshop will be guided in Arrows and around the Use Case document here.

Attendees: Champion, Buyer, and SlapFive Customer Success

Migration Workshop: This workshop entails understanding what data the customer has today and what data and content they want to import into SlapFive. Define dynamic custom fields, and share formatting of the data for smooth upload and import from the SlapFive team. This includes moving from spreadsheets or moving from a competitor. Attendees: Champion, SFDC admin if pulling data from SFDC, SlapFive Customer Success.

Integration Workshop: This workshop entails the overview of the SFDC SlapFive app and install instructions for testing in sandbox, data mapping of fields for data sync, choosing automations and reminders. This workshop will also cover custom domains and custom email DNS. Attendees: Customer IT, SFDC admin, Champion, and Technical Customer Success Manager from SlapFive.

Training Workshop: After the customer has done the Arrows self service onboard videos the SlapFive CSM will schedule a 45 minute training with the customer to go over basic functionality and best practices in the tool once data has been imported.

Adoption Workshops: SlapFive team will partner with the customer to Co-Lead a Socialization call with the greater Marketing organization or department where the RockStar reports into. This Workshop will go over SlapFive functionality and highlight some use cases. Use this deck.

In addition we will strongly recommend that SlapFive supports our RockStars during their sales training. Example decks for effective salesforce training is here.

Customer Led Growth Workshop: Led by Jeff Ernst, CEO and your Customer Success Manager. Attendees: For this workshop to be effective, you need your key leaders from marketing, sales, and customer success. Use this deck as kickoff.

What we will cover:

  1. List out your top C-Level strategic growth initiatives and priorities for the next 6-12 months and the executive(s) charged with driving each initiative.

  2. Surface the biggest challenges and opportunities your company faces in pursuing each initiative. These can be market perceptions, objections, questions, fears, doubts , competitive pressures; and can be untapped opportunities.

  3. For each challenge or opportunity, come up with ways you can mobilize customers to crush the challenge or seize the opportunity. What types of customers? If you could wave a magic wand, what would you want these customers to do or say?

  4. Start to define the customer program. How and when will you engage these customers in a program? How will you measure customer influence on revenue?

  5. Prioritize your list, and now you have a roadmap for the top ways we can mobilize customers to drive Customer-Led Growth.

Last updated